As we head into Q2 of 2017, it’s time to finally achieve your resolutions. Reading, by far, is one of the most important things one can do to focus on self-development and continuing education. Reading can provide you with resources and knowledge that you wouldn’t find in the outside world, allowing you to come up with new ideas and utilizing your problem solving skills. Setting personal goals for reading can lead to endless possibilities in your life. As a business professional, it’s important to consistently keep up to date with the latest business trends, even if you’re just starting out in the business world. Here are the three best business books to read this year to get you motivated and ready to take on your business.


The Power of Broke, by Daymond John

You may know him as one of Shark Tank’s investors, or you may know him as the founder of 6 billion dollar apparel company, FUBU. In his book, Daymond John talks about how being broke can actually give you the power to succeed in your business. John started his clothing company selling handmade clothing apparel on the streets of Queens, NY, with a low cash budget. Today, he is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and TV reality star. He considers himself successful today all due to the fact that he had nothing before starting his business. HE considers the power of being broke the key to becoming determined in becoming successful. In his book Daymond talks about what it takes to start a business and how being broke is one of the most powerful things that will drive your business to become successful. Through determination and the practice of strategies, you’ll be able to see being broke as an aide in beginning a business rather than a downfall.


The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, by Vishen Lakhiani

If you’ve ever wondered what you were meant to do in your life or how to find what you’re true calling is, continue to ask these questions. As humans, we learn by asking questions and becoming curious. Through curiosity and questioning, our brains are able to expand and establish a flow of creativity. Creativity is the key to becoming successful and seeing life in new ways. This book will allow you to continue asking life questions, while becoming more curious in your day to day life. You will change your mind about the world and see things in a new perspective, allowing you to shift the way that you think.  As creativity will continue to spark, you’ll be able to use your skills to create daily habits and ideas to apply to your own business


The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg

Successful people start out by knowing the foundation of success. How does a business work? What kind of goals and strategies will it take to become successful? Asking these questions are crucial in becoming successful. For years, many have wondered what it takes to reach the top. Duhigg argues in detail that the formula to becoming successful in your business, organization or life is to create habit and understand why/ how habits work. From scientific research to real-life examples, Duhigg will allow you to see why habit is one of the most essential things to focus on understanding when working on self development.