GASA Scams Report: Australia

Australians Loses 8.48B AUD to Scams Last Year
A digital scourge is sweeping Australia. New data from Feedzai and the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) reveals that Australia is inundated by a scam epidemic. The toll from these scams goes beyond financial losses. They also take a serious emotional toll on victims.
The report shows identity theft, in particular, is the most common type of scam in Australia. Fraudsters may obtain a victim’s identity by scamming directly or pressure a victim to act on their behalf by pretending to be a bank employee or member of law enforcement. Besides identity theft, shopping scams are also common in which victims pay for items online but never receive their purchase.
Feedzai’s new report, produced in partnership with GASA, surveyed 1,000 Australian bank customers about their experience with scams. The results shed a critical light on the state of Australia’s scam scenario. Among the report’s findings:
- 75% of Australians encounter at least one scam per month
- 49% of respondents said their experience resulted in a strong or very strong emotional impact
- Only 22% of respondents were able to recover all of the money lost to a scam
Download the report to learn more.
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