GASA Scams Report: Brazil

83% of Brazilian Consumers Report a Scam Encounter
New research from Feedzai and the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) confirms Brazil grapples with a rising wave of online scam attacks. So far, efforts against scams are multi-faceted but require further measures, such as public education, enhanced reporting mechanisms, and government intervention.
Brazil’s financial losses from scams can be considerable. Two-fifths of respondents (41%) acknowledged losing money from scams at an average rate of R$4784. As if the financial losses from scams weren’t hard enough to deal with. Customers also face tremendous emotional and societal impacts, which take an equally significant toll.
Download Feedzai and GASA’s report based on responses from 1,262 survey participants for in-depth insights into the state of scams in Brazil’s financial services industry. Get exclusive findings, including:
- 83% of respondents reported encountering a scam at least monthly
- 57% of respondents are confident they can identify a scam – while 13% are not
- 56% of victims did not report the scam to law enforcement, reflecting a distrust in the system’s capacity to respond effectively
Read the report for more exclusive insights from Feedzai and GASA
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