Tag: tactic

Building a Cohesive Company Culture

A company’s culture is one of the most important aspects of determining its success. If a company’s culture is incredibly negative, you’ll have high employee dissatisfaction and turnover, and it’s likely that it’ll be difficult to achieve the success you’re aiming for in the long run. When you start a business, you have the opportunity […]

The Importance of Social Media in Business

Nowadays, social media is everywhere. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, chances are that these platforms have changed the way you communicate with friends and family. With social media influencing almost every part of our lives in modern times, it’s no surprise that many businesses would like to capitalize upon this opportunity. Perhaps […]

Teach Yourself Anything

It’s easy to feel like an old dog can’t learn new tricks, which can leave you feeling stumped professionally or personally. Be it for job advancement or a new hobby, it’s important to realize that skills aren’t inherent, and neither is talent. All of it can be learned if you just break it down the […]

Chatbots Revolutionizing Business

Technological advances in artificial intelligence are happening every day. Pair that with the proliferation of text messaging, social online messaging apps, and inter-office communication moving toward message/chat type resources over more traditional email, and you start to see the face of communication in a day-to-day environment changing. Using a chatbot as a business strategy can […]

Pivoting in the Business World

The term “pivot” is bandied about in the business world a lot these days. It started in the tech startup world, where idea after idea poured into the marketplace, and tech companies had to stay in the mindset of being willing to shift their entire product while retaining their core technology. The most oft-used example of […]

English is the Global Language of Business

More and more, with the internet making global business a much easier proposition, and with more companies setting up international headquarters all over the world, it is becoming increasingly important for a common manner of speech for all parties to communicate with one another. And, like it or not, it seems to be that English […]

Common Traits Shared By Successful Companies

Clear Core Values and Mission: If you have a clear purpose and you can explain it succinctly to your customers, your employees, and your partners, you are more like to achieve a higher level of success. You can trace all sound business decisions and cutting-edge changes in service to most companies serving the core vision […]

Adaptation vs. Strategy in Business

The world of business changes constantly. With the advent of new technologies, businesses can change overnight. Often, you must remain adaptive and limber to keep up. You must take risks. This can be difficult for smaller businesses and older companies to achieve, but can often be pivotal to success. For example, this list from US […]

What’s its Like to be an Entrepreneur

What is it truly like to build your own company from the ground up? There are many hard working americans that have pursued their dreams and built something out of only a dream and used hard work and perseverance to acquire what they desired. Now some entrepreneurs have been successful and some have failed but […]

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