Robert Harris
Robert Harris is the Head of Product Marketing at Feedzai and a passionate proponent for fighting fraud and money laundering particularly in financial services. Robert is an accomplished leader in both small and large organizations in identifying opportunities, securing funding, and creatively delivering value in line with project goals. Whether launching new solutions or maximizing value from mature ones has a keen commercial eye and a conviction to both innovate and make prioritization decisions accordingly.

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Feedzai’s AI Technology Earns Industry Recognition by Chartis
Feedzai, the world’s first RiskOps platform, has secured a pair of critical recognitions by Chartis research. We are honored to be recognized as the top…
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Buy2Build: The Best of Both Worlds
It’s never easy to settle a debate. Buying vs. leasing. Renting vs. owning. Is the dress blue and black or white and gold? In the world of machine learning,…
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Feedzai is a Leader in the 2024 IDC MarketScape for Enterprise Fraud Solutions
Exciting news! Feedzai, the world’s first RiskOps platform, is proud to have been named a Leader in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Enterprise Fraud Solutions 2024…
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Blocking Money Mules Starts with Inbound Payment Monitoring
Fraudsters have become highly innovative, manipulating legitimate customers with authorized push payment (APP) scams instead of targeting banks directly. As…
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Feedzai is a Leading Contender in Datos Insights Behavioral Biometrics Market Analysis
What an honor! Datos Insights recognizes Feedzai for our advancements in the field of behavioral biometrics and device fingerprinting. The Datos Insights…
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GASA Global Anti-Scam Summit: Key Takeaways
Over 200 participants gathered both in person and online to attend the recent Global Anti-Scam Alliance’s Global Anti-Scam Summit. Attendees represented a wide…
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Why Banks Need Smarter Scam Prevention Messaging
Think about your own most recent experience with your bank. Did a scam prevention message catch your attention and stop you in your tracks? Or did you dismiss…
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Feedzai is a Technology Leader in Behavioral Biometrics
Exciting news! Feedzai, the world’s first RiskOps platform, is honored and excited to be recognized as a technology leader in Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’…
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Data Science in Days, Not Weeks with Feedzai’s AutoML
As the old saying goes, time and tide wait for no one. This is a reality the data science community understands all too well, facing an unflinching tide of new…
0 Comments11 Minutes
#MyAI: Customer Choice and Consent in the Generative AI Age
From chatbots to call centers to loan applications and beyond, artificial intelligence (AI) has become integral to today's banking experience. The rise of…
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