Author: Irv Holmes (Page 1 of 3)

Irv Holmes - How to Hire the Right Employee

How to Hire the Right Employee

As a leader, there is a huge focus on ensuring that the perfect company culture is fostered. You want to make sure that each and every one of your employees feels welcomed, respected and happy with their job. And all of that starts with hiring the right employees. By bringing unfit employees into your company, […]

Irv Holmes - Successful Small Business Industries

Successful Small Business Industries

The world of business is a fast-paced and hectic one. And when most people think of the industry, they assume the only way to survive is to become king; they believe that the only definition of success is measured by how many people know your name. And while, yes, there is a definite amount of […]

Irv Holmes - Open Office Designs: Good or Bad?

Open Office Designs: Good or Bad?

In recent years, the open office design has been rising in popularity. The idea behind it is to create an open working environment, free of the traditional cubicles and individual office spaces associated with a business building. Instead, the open office typically features long desks occupied by multiple employees, wide open rooms, and little to […]

Building a Cohesive Company Culture

A company’s culture is one of the most important aspects of determining its success. If a company’s culture is incredibly negative, you’ll have high employee dissatisfaction and turnover, and it’s likely that it’ll be difficult to achieve the success you’re aiming for in the long run. When you start a business, you have the opportunity […]

Top Three Business Books to Read 2017

As we head into Q2 of 2017, it’s time to finally achieve your resolutions. Reading, by far, is one of the most important things one can do to focus on self-development and continuing education. Reading can provide you with resources and knowledge that you wouldn’t find in the outside world, allowing you to come up […]

The Importance of Social Media in Business

Nowadays, social media is everywhere. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, chances are that these platforms have changed the way you communicate with friends and family. With social media influencing almost every part of our lives in modern times, it’s no surprise that many businesses would like to capitalize upon this opportunity. Perhaps […]

The Best Apps For Larger Companies

Applications can speed up projects in the workspace tremendously. Let’s take a look at some of the best apps for larger companies.   1Password – A password protection app that features multiple levels of security. It can generate secure passwords and store them internally with restricted access. If you have a large scale company with […]

5 Tips for a Successful Merger

Business mergers can be highly beneficial. In becoming one, the two companies (both the acquirer and the target) have a unique opportunity to leverage the resources of being a larger organization, which often leads to increased profits and the relief of less competition. An ideal situation, for sure, but mergers are not always successful. Like […]

Teach Yourself Anything

It’s easy to feel like an old dog can’t learn new tricks, which can leave you feeling stumped professionally or personally. Be it for job advancement or a new hobby, it’s important to realize that skills aren’t inherent, and neither is talent. All of it can be learned if you just break it down the […]

Chatbots Revolutionizing Business

Technological advances in artificial intelligence are happening every day. Pair that with the proliferation of text messaging, social online messaging apps, and inter-office communication moving toward message/chat type resources over more traditional email, and you start to see the face of communication in a day-to-day environment changing. Using a chatbot as a business strategy can […]

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